By Sanskrit Kannan (SRCM Preceptor)

Mind plays a
vital role in the human existence, for it is the mind which distinguishes man
from other species. The word manuṣya (man in English) is
derived from the root ‘man’, i.e., to think. Hence, Raja Yoga (the royal path of Yoga) mainly focuses its attention on the mind.
Every action is preceded by thought and mind is the origin for it. Hence, by cleansing the mind, by transforming
it from its animalistic tendencies to human and divine level, it becomes
purified and becomes the divine mind. Patañjali has defined ‘Yoga’ itself (YS
I.2) as “yogaḥ cittavṛtti nirodhaḥ”, i.e., the cessation of the
tendencies of the mind is Yoga. In his Yoga Sūtras, he has given prominence to the mind and not to the other
physical activities like the Āsanas, Prāṇāyāma and there is no mention about the later texts of Haṭha Yoga. Even the texts
which extol the merits of Haṭha yogic practices, say that Haṭha Yoga is only the preliminary
step to Raja Yoga.
Sahaj Marg has fully understood this
aspect and it focuses its attention on the mind, the root of everything. The Amṛtabindu Upaniṣad, which is one among the Yoga Upaniṣads say,
“mana eva manuṣyāṇāṁ kāraṇaṁ bandhamokṣayoḥ |
bandhāya viṣyāsaktaṁ muktyai nirviṣayaṁ smṛtam” ||
(“The mind is the root cause for both bondage and
liberation. If the mind is attached with
worldly things, it is bondage and if it is not so, it is liberation”).
One important
aspect of Sahaj Marg teaching and
training is that the mind should not be controlled by force. Here, the mind is slowly and gently refined
and regulated in a very natural way by the transmission of divine energy by the
Master and the Preceptors appointed by Him.
The cleaning practised regularly by the abhyāsis backed up by the
meditation as prescribed by the Master, strengthens the mind and will power and
checks the outward tendencies of the mind.
Thus, slowly the mind is transformed and gets divinised by attaching
oneself with the Master.
“kāmaḥsaṅkalpovicikitsāśraddhā'śraddhādhṛtiradhṛtirhrīrdhīrbhīrityetatsarvaṁ mana eva”
(“Desire, resolve, faith, lack of faith, steadfastness, lack
of steadfastness, shyness, intellect, fear – all these are the mind only”)
That is why Sahaj Marg emphasises the need to
regulate the mind and not control it by any forceful means. It may also be noted that
Patañjali, who propounder of Yoga
system of thought has recommended Samādhi by giving more attention to
the mind. The word ‘Samādhi’ can be explained as Sama
+ Ādhi, i.e., equilibrium of the mind
(Ādhi means mental disturbance). The word vyādhi
is used to denote physical disease, which means that our ancients know that the
mental disturbance could cause physical ailment too. Hence, even in the Haṭha Yoga, control of mind is
considered as a very important aspect and different means are adopted for the
same. But Sahaj Marg teaches a gentle,
soft, natural and highly efficient path for this. It says, “As you have to ride on a horse to
train and master a horse, you have to start with the mind, train the mind and
become the master of it”. Training in Sahaj Marg gives more prominence to the
mind than to the other organs.
I find it almost unbelievable that we have all these knowledge, available openly but still not known or accessible to common person. I realised the importance of mind and role of thought, say around forty years, but that is way too late! I was like how come I lived my life like this without even understanding these fundamental aspects - but what do you do, you get it, only when you get it. Those who get it are fortunate however late they get it.
ReplyDeleteДень добрый! Могу вам сказать одно: начать никогда не поздно! Вы уверены в том, что если бы вы узнали об этой практике в 20 лет и полностью осознали её значимость? Пробуйте и вы поймете что это за практика!!! Эти знания действительно открыты и доступны каждому.
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ReplyDeleteDear brother, could you tell me how did you find that IT IS THE MIND WHICH DISTINGUISHES MAN FROM OTHER SPECIES? There are some other kinds of messages... Be at peace.
ReplyDeleteFirstly Human mind is the only sense organ which can perform an activity as well as reflect on itself. Secondly, no other species has used the mind and in turn his/her will power to overcome physical shortcomings. For example human being can by repeatedly performing exercise build up strength far exceeding his original capacity. Regards and Thank you for asking a wonderful question.
DeleteDear brother Puneet, Thank you for your answer. I thank and request brother Alexander Vasilenko to wait for some more time. I have discussed the concept of Mind which will appear in the second Volume of my book Yoga Vedānta and Sahaj Marg. As I am not well now, the publication of the book may take some more time.
Dear brother Puneet, Thank you for your answer. I thank and request brother Alexander Vasilenko to wait for some more time. I have discussed the concept of Mind which will appear in the second Volume of my book Yoga Vedānta and Sahaj Marg. As I am not well now, the publication of the book may take some more time.
i think the very purpose of regulation of mind is opening our heart which is the seat of Divine. The more work on mind is done, the nearer is our Goal.